God is patient with us, even when we drift away. The beauty of the Gospel is that Jesus came, took our place on the cross, and made a way for us to be restored to God. In Jesus, we have the hope of forgiveness.
When we struggle with sin, we don’t have to stay in shame—we can turn to Jesus and find grace.
“I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and one who relents from sending disaster.”
— Jonah 4:2b CSB
Looking for a place to call home? Join us every Sunday at 10 AM for a healthy, thriving community where you truly belong. Find us at the Fruitland Grange!
11102 86th Ave E, Puyallup.
At Covenant Community Church, we don’t just have core values—we have Core Commitments. We are committed to the Worship of God, the Word of God, the Church of God, and the Mission of God. A growing disciple lives out these four commitments daily. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into what this means for our church family!
#Puyallup #puyallupwa #pnw #worship #word #church #mission
Why do Christians sing for worship? Have you ever showed up at a church for the first time and wondered why there is a band playing songs? Pastor Nathan talks about why Christians sing as a part of their worship to God.
#authenticworship #worshipgod #christian #worshipmatters #authenticworship #christianinspiration #faithjourney #jesuslovesyou #worshiptips #christianshorts #godisgood #faithoverfear #christianity #holyspirit #biblicaltruth
Can your work be an act of worship? 🙏 Discover how your daily tasks at school, work, or volunteering can glorify God. When done with the right heart, your work becomes worship!
#authenticworship #worshipgod #christianshorts #christianliving #worshipmatters #biblicaltruth #puyallupwa #Puyallup
This Could Be Ruining Your Worship
🙌 Pastor Nathan challenges us to examine our attitude in worship. Discover how a genuine, humble attitude can transform your worship and bring you closer to the heart of God. Whether you're singing, praying, or serving, your attitude matters
#authenticworship #worshipgod #christian #worshipmatters #authenticworship #christianinspiration #faithjourney #jesuslovesyou #worshiptips #christianshorts #godisgood #faithoverfear #christianity #holyspirit #biblicaltruth
Church isn’t just a place—it’s a family. If you’ve never been part of one, this is your sign. Come see what it’s all about this Sunday at 10am! We can’t wait to meet you. ❤️ #jointhefamily #belong #puyallup #puyallupwa #tacoma #grahamwa
Are You Worshiping Wrong? 🙏 Pastor Nathan dives into the importance of our posture—both physical and spiritual—in worship. Discover how aligning your heart and actions can deepen your connection with God. Whether you're new to faith or a seasoned believer, this message will inspire you to reflect on how you approach worship.
#worshipgod #christian #worshipmatters #authenticworship #christianinspiration #faithjourney #jesuslovesyou #worshiptips #christianshorts #godisgood #faithoverfear #christianity #HolySpirit #biblicaltruth #Puyallup #puyallupwa #PuyallupWA
Sunday morning church doors will open, and the sound of many voices worshipping Jesus will be lifted high!
If today feels hard, consider taking a step into a church tomorrow morning. You may just find the hope you need!
With a few friendly faces and a pure heart of desire for Jesus, our church doors will open, and we’d love to have you join us!
#pnwchurch #puyallup #church #worship #Jesus #hope #love #theBible #pnwchurch #cometochurch #pacificnorthwest #youareloved #tacoma #wa #washingtonstate #upperleftusa
Covenant Community Youth!
Get ready for youth service tomorrow night at 7 PM!
Our youth meet Thursday night at 7 PM to spend some time going over the teaching that we get to hear the following Sunday.
Come for some good conversation led by some great people, and meet some new friends!
DM us for the address! 🤙
#puyallup #covenantcommunity #church #youthgroup #genz #nextgen #inspire #hope #jesus #puyallupwa #washingtonstate #piercecounty #followjesus
Last week, Pastor Nathan taught us how the Bible is inspired by God and necessary for us to read and incorporate into our lives.
This week, Pastor Nathan showed us how the God breathed Word reveals the mission of God from front to end.
During this week for yourself, be encouraged to get into the word every day. If you need somewhere to start, consider reading through the book of Romans and see the power and love of Jesus for you.
You can also read a proverb every day by reading the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month, allowing you to read through the whole book in a month!
#thebible #thewordofGod #truth #bookoflife #findhope #findjesus #Jesus #preach #covenantcommunity #church #cometochurch #puyallup #puyallupwa #seattle #pnwlife #pnwcommunity #wastate
When two young girls chose to share their faith, Christ used their testimony to lead Pastor Nathan to a moment of transformation that has affected his whole life.
There is power in the love of Christ that He has given to you, and you never know how it may change someone’s life forever!
This transformation has now brought Covenant Community Church to existence, and you can meet Pastor Nathan Sunday mornings to hear more of his testimony and how God has moved in his life!
#shareyourstory #testimony #puyallup #pnwchurch #church #puyallupwa #pnw #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate #localchurch #jesusistheway #gospel #lovejesus
Worship isn’t just what we sing on Sundays—it’s how we live every day. This Sunday, we’re kicking off Committments, a four-part series exploring the four committments of a believer’s life. Week 1 is all about worship. What does it mean to truly live a life of worship? Join us Sunday at 10 AM as we dive into this powerful truth together! #Puyallup #puyallupwa #church #pnwchurch #wearecovenant #pnw
If you are looking for a church that honors and teaches the Bible, Covenant Community may be the perfect place for you!
Join us Sunday Morning as Pastor Nate takes us through portions of the Bible at a time to teach the truth of God’s Word.
You will find there’s a seat waiting for you with a community who loves Jesus!
#puyallup #pnwchurch #church #puyallupwa #pnw #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwestchurch #lookinggood #hopeisreal #youarenotalone #believe #Bible #wordofgod #cometochurch #preach
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Take a look through this scripture and find a part of it that you can hold on to today. Christ wants to fill every hole in our lives, and the scripture is Christ Himself! What part of this promise of Christ coming is what you need to remind yourself of today?
#christmas #christmasiscoming #christianity #jesussaves #hope #encouragement #reachout #notalone #church #puyallupwa #churchfamily #pnwchristmas #pnwchurch #washington #washingtonstate #tacoma
Today, we may remember the symbol of the manger to show the humility of Jesus coming. We also remember the cross as a symbol to show the humility of Jesus leaving.
The cross is a symbol of victory. Remember that as you bear your cross to follow Jesus today, you do this in victory!
If you are looking for a community to walk with as we bear our crosses in victory, our door is open.
#ccchurch #covenantcommunity #liveincommunity #dolifetogether #togetherisbetter #pnwlife #pnwchurch #sundaychurch #christmasmood #merrychristmas #puyallup #tacoma #pacificnorthwest #church
Worship is a vital part of your walk in faith!
We join together on Sunday mornings to sing to our Savior as an expression of worship!
Join us in laying down everything in your life and ascending the staircase to Heaven to praise Jesus face to face.
He deserves all our worship and honor!
#church #sundaymorning #worship #worshipmusic #praiseGod #puyallup #pnwchurch #thebible #music #wastate #churchofpuyallup #pnw #piercecounty #sunday #followjesus
Covenant Community Church
What does that mean?
Who we are as a body of Christ is ultimately determined by what Jesus did on the cross.
But scripture shows us the importance of community in our life, as well as the covenant He has made with us!
Pastor Nathan points out four scriptures to help understand who we are as a Covenant Community:
1. A People in Relationship with Jesus
Scripture: “I will be their God, and they will be my people.” — 2 Corinthians 6:16
We are a church defined by our personal and collective relationship with Jesus, living as His people.
2. A People Bound Together in Jesus
Scripture: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called.” — Ephesians 4:4
Through Jesus, we are bound together in unity, sharing one faith and one purpose.
3. A Community Chosen by God for God
Scripture: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.” — 1 Peter 2:9
We are a community set apart by God, called to live for His glory and His purposes.
4. The Foundation of Our Relationship with God
Scripture: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” — Luke 22:20
Our relationship with God is founded on His covenant, established through Jesus’ sacrifice, drawing us into His family.
If these points resonate with you, we would love to have you visit Sunday morning at 10 AM! Service is at the Fruitland Grange in Puyallup.
#puyallup #puyallupwa #puyallupchurch #pacificnorthwest #pacificnorthwestchurch #pnw #pnwchurch #washingtonstate #churchfamily #community #youareloved #makejesusknown #youareseen #covenantcommunity
We’ve all been anticipating the big announcement, and it’s finally here!
Introducing the new name of our church…
•Covenant Community Church•
Although the church itself has not changed, we hope that this new name reflects the mission God has given to us as a body, and invites more people to consider turning their faith to Christ.
Let us know what you think about our new name, and if you’re in the area, we’d love to have you visit Sunday morning at 10 AM!
#covenantcommunitychurch #puyallupwa #puyallupchurch #pnwchurch #pnw #live #community #thechurch #liveauthentic #joyfulliving #joinnow
This past Sunday Pastor Nathan taught on Luke 17 about the now Kingdom of God and the not-yet Kingdom of God.
In verse 21 we’re told that the Kingdom of God is in our midst. We see this in our lives when someone shows patience or forgiveness, when someone is healed or saved, or when God moves in power and glory.
Have you noticed the Kingdom of God in the midst of your life this week? Sometimes it takes a second glance to realize God has been there the whole time, doing something good!
#cometojesus #jesusislord #jesus #jesussaves #pnwchurch #washingtonchurch #christianchurch #pnwlife #tacoma #puyallup #puyallupchurch
Sunday service tomorrow morning at 10 AM!
Meet us at the Fruitland Grange in Puyallup for worship and a challenging message from the Word.
See you soon!
#worshipmusic #praisegod #sundayservice #offtochurch #puyallupwa #church #pnwchurch #community
Jesus loves your children!
And we do too. God’s hand is on the life of each child, and building the foundation of their faith at a young age is so important!
Sharameh is one of our wonderful children’s ministry leaders, so bring your family this Sunday, and let’s grow together!
Please message us if you have any questions about kids ministry!
#puyallup #church #pnw #pacificnorthwest #puyallupwa #puyallupchurch #jesuslovesyou #futureleaders
As God moves His Church forward, we are trying to follow His lead.
He has brought together some wonderful people to serve and grow this new church who love Jesus.
New things are coming as we work hard on putting together our new name that will reveal God’s heart for this community!
As we move forward, let’s worship Jesus together and learn to follow and become more like Him!
Service at 10 AM, Sunday!
#churchinthenorthwest #jesusislord #pnwchurch #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate #pnwliving #church #communitylove #wastate #livelifetothefullest #hope
We are beyond grateful for our gathering this Sunday! God has been so faithful to us as we've moved past our launch. As our community has grown, we’ve chosen to adopt a name that better reflects our heart and mission. This past Sunday, our community came together to vote, and we’ve selected a name that we believe truly captures who we are and what we aim to equip people to become. Stay tuned for more details soon!
Sunday service 11/27/24
The Good News about Jesus is ready to be shared!
Come to church this Sunday to hear what the Bible says about God’s work in your life today!
10 AM at the Fruitland Grange in Puyallup 🙌
#puyallup #wayfaringsaintschurch #pnw #puyallupwa #pacificnorthwestchurch #church #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate #proclaimjesus
Don’t get lost! Check out these instructions to get to church this Sunday!!
We know trying to find a new place can be tricky, and we’ve all taken a wrong turn or two, so hopefully these instructions help 🤞
Please reach out if you have any questions!
See you this Sunday at 10 AM 🙌
11102 86 Ave E, Puyallup, WA 98373
#puyallup #wayfaringsaintschurch #pnw #proclaimjesus #puyallupwa #pacificnorthwestchurch #church #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
In this world you will have trouble. You may be reaching for an answer or for some help, maybe in yourself, or maybe from somewhere else. But you may be at the end of your rope, and all the answers have disappeared.
That is because there is only one answer.
His name is Jesus, and He has overcome. He is the help you need for the trouble in your life.
If you’re looking for peace, there is only one place to find it, and He is waiting for you!
Come to Jesus wherever you are at today and let Him help you!
#pray #church #pacificnorthwestchurch #puyallup #hope #pnw #wastate
Sunday service 10/13/24
The church is made up of people!
We celebrated this with a community barbecue after service this last Sunday.
Doing church with people is a gift from God! Let’s find new ways this week to value the people in our lives and to show them the love of Christ 💪
Sermon Recap:
The Axiom of the Kingdom:
Truth 1: The humble are exalted.
Apply it - Seek to be humble in your vocation.
Truth 2: The Evidence of a disciple is shown in their social ethic.
Apply it - Follow the Kingdom ethic.
Truth 3: Many are invited into the Kingdom.
Apply it - Invite others to the Eternal Kingdom.
Luke 14:7-24
A taste of the Glory of Heaven
We gathered on our first official Sunday to worship Jesus and to be formed into His image.
Praise was lifted up, the church and our leadership team was dedicated, the sermon challenged us in our walk as disciples, and we shared in communion as one body.
Church is open, all are welcome, Sundays at 10 AM!
#pnw #pnwchurch #jesus #puyallup #proclaimjesus
At Wayfaring Saints, we believe that the church is a people, not a place. As a people in community, we are committed to four core values:
We are committed to the Worship of God
We are committed to the Word of God
We are committed to the Mission of God
We are committed to the Church of God
These commitments shape who we are and impact everything we do as we follow Jesus together.
Wayfaring Saints Church is launching September 29th at 10am! We would love to have you join us for this special day. Come ready to worship, connect, and see what God has in store.
We meet at the Fruitland Grange in Puyallup, WA.
We were so blessed to baptize two teens from our launch team a few weeks ago! 🙌 The church is being built up, and God is being glorified through it all.
Excited for what’s to come as we get closer to our launch on September 29th!
#WayfaringSaintsChurch #Baptism #GodIsGood #PuyallupWA #Puyallup